20 questions with Main Street Roasters of Indiana

1) When did you start Main Street Roasters?

Main Street Roasters: We opened our doors in 2003.

2) How many people do you employ

MSR: We currently employ around 40 people, part time and full time.


3) What is the most recent product you’ve made?

MSR: Along with adding single serve K Cups, We recently partnered with Steeped and added that as an option for single serve coffee.

4) Do you sell online?

MSR: We sell our coffees online and in house. We sell wholesale and retail, and supply other retail locations with our product as well as office coffees.

5) Does Main Street Roasters support any local nonprofits?

MSR: We provide support to local non profits and causes through various methods. You can request to have your non profit supported here.

6) Do you have any advice for someone starting a small business?

MSR: Be original. We have noticed a big change since we started 18 years ago- with social media it is easy to get burdened with copying and seeing so many ideas and concepts from other businesses across the world (or across town) doing things similar to you- that It can feel like the way you are doing it is wrong or inferior. Stay true to who you are and want to do. Sometimes it is best to not follow similar brands or stores so you don’t have the ability to compare or get discouraged if that is a struggle for you. Make sure what you are doing is still something you are passionate about. If not, course correct and stay passionate about your industry.


7) Where do you see your Main Street Roasters in 10 years?

MSR: In the next 10 years, we hope to pass on our vision to our children and allow them to take more of a hands on role in leading different aspects of our business.

8) Did anything good happen to your business as a result of the pandemic?

MSR: Our silver lining - apart from all the stress with shortages and guidelines and changes - is how much we are able to - as a small company, deliver a better experience that the consumer is looking for. It is becoming more rare to find this in the big box, national chain experience and we feel that since 2020 it has become something that is more appreciated and valued by the consumer.

9) What do you attribute your success to?

MSR: Any success we have is a combination of hard work, trial and error, and God’s faithfulness and blessing in our lives. We are not educated and do not have business degrees.

10) What do you look for in a good employee?

MSR: We are more interested in a good work ethic and positive attitude than education or past experience. If we see a potential team member that is motivated, we train them to serve to our standards.


11) Is there a reason that you operate where you do?

MSR: Our hometown.

12) Do you sell your coffee anywhere else?

MSR: We sell both to the consumer (cafe, coffee shop) as well as selling our coffee at wholesale to other retailers across the region. We spent several years selling some of our coffees on Amazon and refocused several years ago and now try to ship next day through our own roastery. We have found that to be much more successful for us.

13) Do you have a favorite place to vacation?

MSR: Spending time at the lake. We enjoy lake weekends, fishing, and camping.

14) Do you have any advice on creating a positive work environment?

MSR: Trust your employees enough to let them have leadership as well. If you are the ceiling in your company, you can’t grow and become bigger than what you can manage on your own. If you let others lead, you can accomplish a lot more in day, or year. Our managers and leaders handle a lot of things every day that don’t need our permission or insight because they have been proven trustworthy and understand our values.

15) What state in the Midwest are you in?

MSR: We are located in the Northern part of Indiana.


16) Introduce yourself:

MSR: Marcus and Debra Miller, owners along with our family of five kids.

17) Do you have a newsletter?

MSR: You can sign up here.

18) Where can people find you on social media?

MSR: IG: @mainstreetroasters, Facebook: www.facebook.com/MainStreetRoasters.

19) What’s your website?

MSR: www.mainstreetroasters.com.

20) What is the most rewarding thing about owning a cafe?

MSR: Getting to know the community on a personal level, watching the community grow and change over the years. Being a part of the local culture.

Find out more at Main Street Roasters website or follow on Facebook or Instagram.


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