14 questions with Mental Health Board for Wheeling Township of Illinois
1) When did you get started on this campaign?
Lorri Grainawi - Advocate for 708: Spring 2021.
2) How did you think to start?
LG: I’ve heard about all the good things 708 Boards can do. A group of us decided now is the right time to try to create a 708 Board in Wheeling Township.
3) What inspires you?
LG: Everything that I do, I do for my son Adam. Adam was a bright, charming young man. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 20, but we knew something was really wrong before that. Adam died at the age of 24. Schizophrenia didn’t kill him, but it created the circumstances that did.
4) How many people volunteer with you?
LG: We are a 100% volunteer organization. We do pay for services we need, and all services are on a contract basis. We have a core group of around 8 people who are consistently involved and many, many more that do what they can to help our cause.
5) How do you take care of your mental health working on this campaign?
LG: Taking care of my own mental health has been challenging during the pandemic. I find it helpful to run with a group of friends every Saturday and talk/see family & friends via zoom. I also do a weekly NAMI walking group which I love. In addition, I find it helpful to turn off electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
6) If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started, what would it be?
LG: Talk to everyone you meet about your goal and why it’s worthwhile.
7) What makes your campaign unique?
LG: Our organization is different in that we are not only entirely volunteer, but we expect to only be working on this project until November, 2022. At that time, we hope that the referendum will pass and the 708 Board will be created!
8) What are you hobbies when you aren't working?
LG: I love to cook, run, garden and camping.
9) What strategies do you use to communicate with your team?
LG: I use Google groups to send out one weekly email to everyone, but I make a point of trying to communicate with folks using the method that works best for them.
10) Do you have a favorite saying?
LG: You never know if you can succeed unless you try.
11) What is a personal goal of yours?
LG: My husband and I are trying to run a marathon in all 50 states. We only have 5 to go!
12) Is your nonprofit accepting new volunteers?
13) How can someone get involved with your nonprofit?
LG: Send me an email, call or text me. They can also send a message through Facebook. Mental Health Board for Wheeling Township.
14) Where can people find you on social media?
LG: Facebook. Mental Health Board for Wheeling Township.
Find out more on Advocate for 708's website or follow on Facebook.