50 questions with Lacey's Creations of North Dakota

50 questions with Lacey's Creations of North Dakota

1) Introduce yourself:

Lacey's Creations: I am Lacey Holmen, I am from Voltaire, ND. I live in a tiny town with my husband, two daughters, 2 dogs and 2 cats. I am a very big animal lover, who enjoys meeting new animals when it comes to making art or taking photographs. I love being outdoors with my kids and traveling to new places. It helps give me inspiration when making pieces just because or for clients custom pieces. I graduated in 2012 from Minot State University with a BA in Art, concentration in business management and art history and minor in photography. I have owned my own photography business for 14 years and after my dad passed away from Lupus in 2013, I was able to get back into the art world. My grandmother started me out with art when I was 3 years old. When she would give me coloring pages and crayons, she noticed I never colored the pages, I would try and copy what was on the pages. I was never formally trained in art during high school, because my school was small and we didn't have an art program. When I started college in 2004, thats when the world of true art opened my eyes.


2) When did you start Lacey's Creations?

LC: 2013. I've been doing art since I was 3 years old, went to college for art and my friend told me to start a business for it.

3) What inspires you?

LC: When people give me back stories about their custom pieces they are having me create-it helps me to feel connected to each piece i’m making (all coming from the heart).

4) Do you have a special connection to North Dakota?

LC: I feel operating at my home I can focus and have a better connection with each piece I create.

5) What is your art about?

LC: My art is about creating/bringing back to life a loved one’s pet they have lost, I also create custom wester/rodeo pieces for my love of the old West/rodeo horses.

6) What medium do you work with?

LC: Watercolor, acrylic and some wood.

7) What is your art making process like?

LC: Clients give me an image of their pet/pets(most of the time tell me stories about them.

8) What is your favorite part about the creative process?

LC: Because i am an animal lover-I have such a connection with people who have lost their pet, thats where my heart goes into every piece.

9) What is your favorite part about your individual art making process?

LC: The bold bright colors of watercolors.

10) Do you show at any galleries, festivals?

LC: I will be traveling ND this fall 2022-2023 for my Western Pride art show.

11) What was your business’ first best seller or big success?

LC: Custom watercolor piece I made of a boxer dog.


12) What is your current best seller?

LC: Custom animal pieces (watercolor/acrylic)-many people love the fun watercolor animal pieces.

13) What is the most recent product you’ve made?

LC: Animal signs I donate to the Uffda Fund for Animals-animal shelter in my hometown area, I make pieces that are about $25-50 in prices to sell and all the proceeds go to them to help with animals.

14) What’s a recent success you’ve had in business?

LC: I will be traveling the state of ND this fall 2022-2023 for my art show “Western Pride,” with many having seen my pieces from that show, more rodeos are noticing my art and asking for donations.

15) Who are some of your favorite art business?

LC: My friend owns “5 star x-pressions custom design” she does lots of custom heat transfers, we’ve worked together on lots of artistic things.

16) What is your website?

LC: www.laceyholmen21.wixsite.com

17) How are you managing COVID-19?

LC: I am very good at vocalizing when I need to take a few days off bc of illness or family time, I feel I’ve made more pieces during the COVID experience than before.

18) Does your business sponsor any local community organizations?

LC: UFFDA Animal Foundation, Cando, ND.

19) What is the most interesting thing about your art?

LC: Everything is custom from ideas people give me or of their actual pet, I don’t copy what is seen on the internet, I find a way to create things unique.

20) How do you take care of your mental health while operating a business?

LC: Doing art especially with my children helps with that.

21) Do you have any favorite or notable customers?

LC: Oh yes many, I have one customer that I’ve done 5 custom dog paintings for her.

22) Do you have any advice for someone starting a business?

LC: You won’t make your millions in 1 year, your not going to get noticed in 1 year, having a business takes time and in that time takes confidence to grow and understand the business world.


23) Do you have any advice for someone starting a business in your industry specifically?

LC: Find ways to make it "yours,” the internet is great inspiration-but thats not you its you using someone else.

24) Do you have any advice for other business owners about a subject you feel you excel at?

LC: Make mistakes, it's going to help you grow-don’t be afraid to ask advice/help from others in your field of business.

25) Where do you see your business in 10 years?

LC: I don’t look to where I may be 5, 10, even 50 years from now, as long as my family and myself are healthy, living a fun, filed happy life and even if i’m not doing my business anymore that's ok, because I live for whats right now.

26) How can customers help you best during the pandemic?

LC: Continue to give feedback on the art they see and have me create art.

27) Do you have a business thesis or specific mission?

LC: Just to keep spreading joy/love when people get their custom pieces after they are completed.

28) What do you attribute your success to?

LC: My grandmother who was an artist-she got me started when I was 3 years old-she saw that I wasn’t coloring the pages from the coloring book, but trying to draw what was on the coloring page…my dad-after he passed (9 years ago) he helped me pick back up my love of art.

29) If you weren’t doing this, what would you be doing?

LC: Still making art.

30) If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started, what would it be

LC: STOP comparing myself to others.

31) What makes what you do unique?

LC: Because of the backstories of creating custom pieces-I will cry when creating them.

32) What hobbies do you do when you aren’t working?

LC: Read/exercise/run-walk my dogs and with my children.

33) Do you have a favorite place to vacation?

LC: My mothers house.

34) Does your business do anything for the holidays?

LC: Sometimes giveaways or 10% off certain pieces.

35) What inspires you?

LC: My BIG LOVE for animals and a good photo.


36) What keeps you motivated?

LC: My children-and knowing my dad would be happy I’m doing something with my art.

37) What about your craft are you most passionate about?

LC: Seeing clients light up after they have seen the final product.

38) Is this your first business?

LC: I had a photography business first (still do). 

39) Do you have a favorite quote?

LC: "You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated” -Maya Angelou

40) Who is your favorite artist?

LC: Walter Piehl (ND and college professor, my grandmother)

41) Who is your favorite historical figure?

LC: Frida Kahlo

42) What’s your favorite movie?

LC: 10 Things I Hate About You

43) How do you find new customers?

LC: Word of mouth/facebook/instagram.

44) What is your favorite state in the Midwest?

LC: Minnesota-I looooooooove trees and being out in the woods.

45) What state in the Midwest are you in?

LC: North Dakota.

46) What is your favorite thing about the Midwest?

LC: We are the actual true 4 seasons.

47) Have you traveled to any other states in the Midwest?

LC: All of them but Wisconsin.

48) What is your favorite place to visit in your state?

LC: The South east because of the badlands.

49) Have you been to any of your state’s National Parks?

LC: Lake Sakakawea State Park-best sunsets ever in ND.

50) What is your favorite season?

LC: Winter-it really is beautiful besides the cold.

Find out more on Lacey's Creations' website or follow on Instagram.


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